Day: August 9, 2024

Gorilla Trekking Addons

Gorilla Trekking Addons

There are lots of interesting experiences  to add  on your gorilla trekking experience in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. Whereas most travelers on African safaris consider gorilla trekking safari as their first priority, Africa offers much more than gorillas. Superfine Safaris Limited  gives you a detailed list of the gorilla trekking add-ons to ensure much more fun and enjoyable gorilla safari to Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Complementing your gorilla tour with other wildlife activities make your safari magical and life-changing. In most cases, travelers who have long safaris ask which other activities they can partake. The recommended gorilla trekking add-ons by Superfine Safaris Limited include:

Gorilla Trekking Addons

Chimpanzee trekking

Gorilla Trekking AddonsRanked second best wildlife experience after gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking is  best add on your gorilla safari. An encounter with chimpanzees in the jungle is a magical feeling that lasts for a lifetime. The top chimpanzee trekking destinations in Africa include Kibale Forest National Park, Kyambura gorge in Uganda and Nyungwe Forest National Park in Rwanda. Chimpanzees are the closest relatives to people sharing over 99% of human genes.

Enjoy the human-like characters of chimpanzees where the adult male watches over the family like a father in a human home, adult females nurse babies while juveniles continuously play entertaining other family members. Like in gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking starts with registration and briefing at the respective park headquarters. Travelers are required to follow the rules and regulations of chimpanzee trekking such as seven meter distance , avoiding direct eye contact, avoid using flashlight cameras, do not litter in the park, do not shout.

If you want to spend extended time with chimpanzees, book a chimpanzee habituation experience in Kibale Forest National Park Uganda. The costs of chimpanzee trekking are quite less compared to gorillas hence the best option for budget travelers. Chimpanzee permit booking is recommended as early as 5 months prior directly through Uganda Wildlife Authority, Rwanda Development Board or through superfine safaris your number one safari company.

Game Viewing (Game Drives)

Addon activities on Gorilla trekkingGo game viewing in the open savannah parks of Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania with Superfine Safaris. Morning, evening and night game drives through savannahs offer you great views of numerous wild animals grazing, hunting, and browsing. Expect to see various wild animals such as elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes, Oribis, Topis, Elands, Waterbucks, Buffalos, Hippos, Kobs, Cheetahs, Leopards, Warthogs, Hyenas and wildebeests among others.

The top places for game viewing in Uganda include Kidepo Valley National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth and Lake Mburo National Park. In Rwanda, game viewing is done in Akagera National Park. Do not miss visiting the famous tree-climbing lions in Ishasha sector, south of Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Golden Monkey trekking

Gorilla trekking addonsA trek to see golden monkeys in Mgahinga Gorilla National park Uganda and Volcanoes National Park Rwanda is a not miss on you gorilla safari in Africa. The golden fur on the backs distinguish golden monkeys  from other species. Travelers are required to book and secure golden monkey permits at a cost of $100 in both Uganda and Rwanda. Golden monkeys are one of the critically endangered species in the jungle as listed by IUCN on the red list of endangered species.

Cultural tours

Spare time and visit the indigenous local communities in Africa for an experimental cultural experience. The most visited cultural groups are the batwa pygmies living adjacent to all gorilla parks in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. Also, the IK people in karamoja regions of Uganda near Kidepo Valley National Park are a must visit on your Uganda safari to northeastern Uganda. A batwa cultural trail done in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park tells you about the traditional forest life of batwa pygmies before the introduction of gorilla tourism. Enjoy and take part in traditional local activities such as hunting, preparing local food, searching for medicinal plants and collecting honey among others. Visit the Manyattas of the K’ Jongs, learn about their pastoral life and have fun.

Mountaineering/Mountain Climbing

Gorilla Trek AddonsEnjoy a hike to the summit of any one Mountain in Africa. A hike to snow-capped Magherita peak of Mount Rwenzori, Mt Elgon or any one of the Virunga Volcanoes is a memorable experience. Join a hike to the summit of active Nyiragongo Volcano to peep into the boiling lava lake. Among the things to pack for mountaineering safari in Africa include hiking boots, gardening gloves, bottled drinking water, hiking gears and energy giving drinks. A climbing stick and porter are essential in ensuring a successful volcano hiking experience.

Bird watching

Ensure to add a birding trip on your gorilla safari to Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Birds in Volcanoes National Park include Red backed shrike, Blue spotted wood dove, Baglafecht weaver, Cinnamon checked bee-eater and Bateleur. Birds in Bwindi Forest National park include Chapins flycatcher, Regal sunbird, Montane Oriole, Handsome francolin, Rwenzori Batis, strange weaver, and Dusky Tinspot.

Birds in Virunga National Park include African Olive Pigeon, Grey throated barbet, Angolan swallow, tropical boubou, alpine swift and Papyrus yellow warbler among others. Our experienced birding guides will help you spot different bird species. Bird watching is best done in the morning and evening hours during a forest/nature walk.

Mountain gorilla trekking add-ons make your whole gorilla trekking experience much more memorable. Contact Superfine Safaris, book gorilla trekking, and the add-ons to have a memorable African experience.

Posted by African Apes in Travel News