Day: August 23, 2024

Best Places for Primate Trekking in Rwanda

Best Places for Primate Trekking in Rwanda

Guide to the best places for primate trekking in Rwanda with Superfine Safaris Limited.  Rwanda has become so famous over time due to her lifetime primate trekking adventures!  Over 90% of travelers to Rwanda are interested in visiting one or two primates for a face-to-face encounter with the endangered species in their natural habitats.  The small country also known as the Land of a Thousand Hills boosts in many primates, namely the mountain gorillas, chimpanzees, golden, and other Colobus monkey species.  Rwanda tours cannot be complete without the inclusion of any primate tours.

Popular primates of Rwanda

Mountain Gorillas

Best places for primate trekking in  RwandaScientifically known as Gorilla Beringei Beringei, mountain gorillas are the most visited primates in Rwanda.  Mountain gorillas are a subspecies of the Eastern gorillas that survive in Bwindi Forest and the Virunga Conservation Area.  The endangered primates reside in the bamboo forests of Volcanoes National Park located in northwestern Rwanda. The country protects over 400 mountain gorillas which is the highest number in the Virunga Conservation Area.

An encounter with mountain gorillas in their natural habitats is the best wildlife experience that travelers yearn to have over and over again.  Mountain gorillas were declared endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2018 due to several threats that affect their survival.  Altogether, the world has roughly 1006 mountain gorillas half of which live in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park while the other population is shared by the three gorilla parks in the Virunga Massif.

Mountain gorillas are covered by much fur which helps them to survive in the cold mountain regions where they live. Adult silverback gorilla weighs between 120 to 200 kilograms while adult female gorillas weigh between 70 to 100 kilograms. Mountain gorillas are slightly smaller than their sister species, the eastern Lowland Gorillas which live in Kahuzi Biega National Park in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo


Chimpanzees rank second to mountain gorillas in terms of popularity and visitation. The chimpanzees are scientifically called pan troglodytes chimpanzees are believed to share over 98% of human genes which make them the close relatives of humans. Chimpanzees in Rwanda are found in Nyungwe Forest National Park located in southwestern Rwanda. Bonobos are closely related to bonobos and baboons.  Just like mountain gorillas, chimpanzees are also endangered primates highly threatened by poaching, habitat loss, and civil conflicts. Chimpanzees live in communities each headed by an adult male who overlooks the rest of the members in the community.

Golden Monkeys

Found in Volcanoes National Park, golden monkeys are yet another interesting primate species to visit on your Rwanda safari.  Golden monkeys are scientifically called Cercopithecus kandti and are a subspecies of the blue monkeys. These endangered primates are old-world monkeys that survive in the jungles of the Virunga Mountains.


Scientifically called Papio, baboons are divided into different subspecies which include Guinea baboon, Olive baboon, Kinda baboon, Chasma baboon, hamadryas baboon, and yellow baboon among others.

Top places for primate trekking in Rwanda

Volcanoes National park

Home to the endangered mountain gorillas, Volcanoes National Park is a stop center for mountain gorilla trekking in the Virunga mountains. With 10 gorilla families, habituated for trekking, Volcanoes National Park offers luxury gorilla tours. Each gorilla permit in Rwanda costs $1500 issued by the Rwanda Development Board.  A gorilla safari in Rwanda offers you the chance to meet and interact with one of the 10 gorilla groups in the forest.

The Rwanda gorilla families include Hirwa, SusaA, Karisimbi, Sabyinyo, Pablo, Titus, Agashya, Umubano, and Kwitonda. Each gorilla family is visited by 8 people for a maximum of an hour. Superfine Safaris specializes in customized Rwanda gorilla tours and we can help you arrange the Rwanda safari to see the endangered primates.

Our Rwanda safaris range from 1 Day Rwanda gorilla trekking to over 10 Rwanda gorilla safari which combines gorillas and other wildlife species to make a complete package. In addition to the endangered gorillas, Volcanoes National Park is also home to the famous golden monkeys.  These playful primates are seen jumping across tree branches.  A combination of mountain gorillas and golden monkeys offers you a more intimate Rwanda primate trekking adventure. Other things to see and do in Nyungwe Forest include bird watching, nature walks, community tours, Karisimbi hike, Mt Bisoke hike, visiting Bulera and Ruhondo twin lakes, and hiking to Dian Fossey grave graveyard.

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Best places for primate trekking in RwandaLocated in southwestern Rwanda, Nyungwe Forest National Park shelters the endangered chimpanzees. Nyungwe Forest is the center of chimpanzee and colubus trekking experiences in Rwanda. Chimpanzee trekking is done in the main Nyungwe Forest of the Cyamudongo Forest which was cut off from the main forest by deforestation.  Chimpanzees are a major attraction that brings many people from all parts of the world to Nyungwe Forests. Travelers on Chimpanzees safaris in Nyungwe Forest can also take part in canopy walks, nature walks, colubus monkey trekking, and bird watching among others. Entrance to Nyungwe Forest National Park is $100

Best time for primate trekking in Rwanda

Dry/peak season between June to September and December to February is regarded as the best time for primate trekking in Rwanda. There are fewer or no rains during this time which makes it easy to trek through the dense forest in search of the endangered primates. There is always a high demand for primate trekking permits during this period hence travelers are urged to book as early as possible

What to pack for Primate trekking in Rwanda

You are reminded to pack the best for your primate trekking adventure in Rwanda. Packing the best does not mean suits but rather the best attire ft for the jungle. These include Light waterproof hiking boots, gardening gloves, sunglasses, a hat, a rain jacket, pocho, stockings, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts among others. Also, endeavor to pack insect repellents, drinking water, energy-giving snacks and toiletries among others. A first kid kit is also necessary for your primate trekking safari.

Other places to Visit in Rwanda

The other tourist destinations to explore in Rwanda include among others

Akagera National park

Located in Eastern Rwanda, Akagera National Park is the only savannah park in Rwanda. The park is the best place for game safaris sheltering the big five “Elephants, Rhinos, Leopards, Buffalos and Lions”. You can also see Giraffes, Waterbucks, Zebras, warthogs, Impalas, Topis, Gazelles, Dik Dik, and cheetahs among others. Wildlife viewing is best done during morning and evening hours when wild animals are actively hunting and grazing. Sport fishing, bird watching community tours, and nature walks are other things to do in Akagera National Park.

Kigali City

Ranked as the cleanest city in Africa, Kigali city is a gateway to all tourism destinations in Rwanda.  The city tour through Kigali is a chance to visit different destinations in the city center. These include the Kigali Convention Centre, Kigali genocide memorial center, Kimironko Market, Presidential Palace, Inema Art Gallery, and various shopping malls. You will enjoy the beautiful and traffic-free roads of Kigali and confirm for yourself that the capital is indeed the best

Posted by African Apes in Travel News